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Boutique Hotel Matlai

Boutique Hotel Matlai
Boutique Hotel Matlai, located on the beautiful south-east coast of Zanzibar, offers guests unique and extraordinary beachfront accommodation. In the Kiswahili language of Zanzibar Matlai means the early morning wind blowing in the sails. For the Zanzibarians, especially the fishermen, this is a very special moment. The resort consists of two villas: Asili House and Villa Kidosho. Both villas are located directly on the beach and surrounded by lush, flowering and fragrant vegetation. Asili House features natural African and Swahili elements in its design, while Villa Kidosho is designed in an oriental style. The restaurant and bar offer excellent cuisine of national and international dishes, a variety of wines, cold beers, exotic tropical cocktails and much more.
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