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Cookie Policy

How and why this website uses cookies

What is a cookie?
A cookie is a short text file sent to your browser from a website you visit. Thanks to these files, the website allows the visitor to enter restricted areas, finalize an order, and generally have a better browsing experience. Cookies may also be used for statistical, promotional and marketing purposes. Cookies can be generated by the website you are visiting or by third-party websites. The following paragraphs explain which cookies are used on the tracksofafrica.net website and why.

What cookies this website uses?
The tracksofafrica.net website uses technical cookies, i.e. cookies that are necessary for the website to function and essential to allow access to any restricted areas. In addition, statistical cookies are used in a completely anonymous manner. These are third-party cookies; in fact, they belong to the Google Analytics service, which is configured precisely in an anonymous manner and so as not to cross-reference the information contained in the cookies with others it already has.

Why this site uses cookies?
The website tracksofafrica.net uses technical cookies exclusively to recognize registered visitors, following their login by entering their username and password, to remember each user's settings and to improve the navigability of the website. On the other hand, we use anonymous statistical cookies to understand which areas of our website are most visited and to identify any improvements that need to be made to the website's navigability.

You can delete cookies stored by your browser at any time, but as a result of doing so, some settings may no longer be available and you may have to re-enter the information you previously provided. If your browser completely prohibits the use of cookies, some areas of our website cannot be visited and it will be impossible to take advantage of all the features made available to registered users.

The tracksofafrica.net website does not make use of any type of "profiling" cookies, i.e. for advertising purposes or marketing operations. We do not make use of cookies capable of capturing visitor-related information such as age, gender, etc.
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This website uses technical cookies, to improve the browsing experience of our visitors and Google Analytics cookies anonymously for statistical purposes. On the other hand, no profiling cookies or cookies with marketing, advertising and promotional purposes are used. Clicking on the "All cookies" button will enable both technical cookies and Google Analytics cookies. Clicking on the "Technical cookies only" button will activate only those cookies that are essential to the functioning of the site. By continuing browsing the visitor accepts our Cookie Policy. For more information click on the "Cookie Policy" link.
Cookie Policy