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Tracks of Africa

Who we are?

Our agency lays its foundation on two essential elements: passion and experience. Our parents, in love with Africa since our childhood, used to take us every year to discover the wonders of this land. Today, Tanzania has become, practically, our second home because only there do we find "Eden," the atavistic memory of the beginnings of humanity. Personal knowledge of the land, the people who live there, the facilities and the local operators has supported us, over time, to choose and offer to our clients, the best of Safaris. We have selected the most important and significant stops, the most comfortable cars, lodges and camps in the respect of an eco-sustainable tourism, we have chosen a staff that knows how to welcome with cordiality and attention and competent guides who will take you to the most suitable places to sight all kinds of animals and tell you about all the uniqueness of the place. Our priority is to ensure unforgettable emotions for everyone, young and old, in safety and comfort anytime and anywhere.

We are also represented on safaribookings.com
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